Partnered Societies
We partner with associations and surveying societies to host content for them that is meaningful to surveyors practicing in their respective locales. We have three portals for these societies for Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS), New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors (NYSAPLS) and Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors (OSLS). By partnering with us, courses purchased through these portals result in payment of a portion of the transactions to the societies. Contact us if you would like to find out whether an education portal would be helpful to your society.

Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors
GeoLearn is happy to work with OSLS to produce state specific content. To view the available courses click the links below! A portion of the course fee is paid to OSLS.

New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors
Geolearn is happy to work with NYSAPLS to produce state specific content. To view the available courses click the links below! A portion of the course fee is paid to NYSAPLS.

Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors
GeoLearn created content specific to Missouri, and which is approved by the licensing board to count as content that is required during every licensing period. A portion of the course fee is paid to MSPS.

National Society of Professional Surveyors
Geolearn is happy to work with NSPS to promote education at the professional and technical level.