Group Solutions for Professional Training and Development
- Formal PDH approval for courses in the GeoLearn continuing education catalog
- Broad acceptance by registration boards
- Content suitable for team members seeking licensing or certification (at lower rates and sometimes free)
- Cost benefit over face-to-face training (whether in-house or third party)
- Industry-renowned faculty
- Accessible via smartphones, tablets and PCs

Multimedia (what we mean by re-inventing learning)
GeoLearn uses state-of-the-art multimedia. Unlike most other online providers, we enhance learning with presenters on video shot in a professional studio, with a smart board backup for their presentations which doubles as an electronic whiteboard. As a result, the trainees are much more engaged in the education being delivered.

Private portal
Associations, societies and other groups: If you belong to a society or association, your group may be interested in valuable financial benefits by hosting a link on your website to a private branded education portal. You have your cake (access to courses in the GeoLearn catalogs) and you can eat it too (add your own “private” content”) that is only applicable to your group. We can help you create this additional content or you can prepare it yourself. Depending on the situation, users pay for the content or, in the case of a business or government department, access is free based on a pre-paid agreement.

Training Opportunities
With the 2023 launch of our reconfigured website, we now offer training. Training refers to content that is not intended to be professional continuing education. It can be accessed by all. Your team members in-process towards licensure or certification will find these helpful. It can be a supplement to your in-house training you may provide your teams. Even licensed professionals will find some of the training content helpful to their practice of surveying.
Professional Societies
Many societies desire meeting educational requirements of members. Features of interest include meeting licensing renewal requirements and/or state-specific training created by us (under contract) or the society. Private education portals can be created. State specific content can be written, audio, video or any combination in addition to GeoLearn catalog content.
We have approved continuing education for surveyors in some states. If you are licensed in Missouri, Oklahoma or New York you will find content appropriate for your state. In the case of Missouri and Oklahoma, our courses are approved as state-specific required content for licensure renewal.
See current cooperating society content
Many organizations involved in geospatial activities (land surveying, engineering, architecture,
construction, departments of transportation) have an organizational educational mandate or requirement to meet group needs. Features of interest GeoLearn can provide: meeting licensing renewal requirements; online educational programs monitored by the employer, and organization-specific training created by us, third parties or the organization. Private education portals can be created so organization members can access them. Content created to meet the organization’s needs can be in many forms: written, audio, video, in addition to GeoLearn catalog content. In this case, your members/employees get access to content that you pre-pay at significant discounts depending on the number of users and term of your agreement.
Custom training
Organizations, societies and government departments may need to host online education that they have created (internally generated or contracted). They can distribute the content using a custom portal with coupon-controlled restricted access to authorized members, general membership or specific sub-groups within the organization. By using this option, the effort to create and host content (written, audio or video) can be easily created and managed. If it is desired to have “outside” parties have access to this content for a fee, this option can be easily added.