The “I” in “NFIP”: The Role of Insurance in Floodplain Management

Wendy Lathrop PLS, CFM

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Design professionals sometimes overlook the significance of the “I” in “NFIP” in their more intense technical focus.  But understanding the interaction between mandatory flood insurance requirements, flood hazard mapping, and floodplain regulations improves the likelihood of not only a safe design but one that will not exact a high price in terms of flood insurance coverage.

When is flood insurance required, and what is the basis for rating the cost of coverage? How does regulatory compliance affect flood premiums, and what kinds of construction measures are likely to help reduce those premiums?  After identifying the purpose of the National Flood Insurance Program as envisioned by Congress and formalized in federal statutes, this session answers these questions as it describes the important role of flood insurance in the pursuit better preparing the nation to face inevitable flood losses.


Course objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the influence of Congressional actions on flood insurance and floodplain management in the US
  • Understand the relationship between construction techniques and flood insurance rates
  • Explain the effect of federal minimum standards on local land use and flood risk reduction

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Richard Eldred
Posted 1 month ago
Wendy Lathrop - The Role of Insurance in Floodplain Management

Excellent discussion of the subject including Federal Regulations

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