This course covers the method of computing the area of a traverse (sides are all straight lines) using the coordinate method. It also covers methods to calculate areas where there might be circular curves as part of the boundary or even various ways of approximating areas when the curves are irregular. The methods of DMDs and DPDs are mentioned but not covered. The approach taken is to teach a methodical process of using the coordinates for area calculation rather than stressing the theory about how the method works. Circular curves may be part of a boundary of an area or irregular curves might be part of the boundary as also discussed. Very often circular curve boundaries can be calculated precisely, whereas irregular curves require some rational method of approximation. Graphical methods and the use of the planimeter for area calculation are also briefly discussed. Because the coordinate method is an intense “number crunching” process, quick methods of verifying the accuracy of the result are discussed. Running time 34 minutes.
You will learn…
- General concepts for area calculation for various figures including those with straight sides, figures which include circular curve elements, and figures with irregular or natural shapes
- A structured process for calculating the area of polygons using the coordinate method
- Methods of simplifying the use of coordinates when hand calculating, particularly when coordinates are large numbers
- The use of graphics or planimeters for determining approximate area is briefly covered.