ALTA/NSPS 2021 Standards – Course II: Measurement Standards and Uncertainties

Gary Kent PS

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Course Description

There are random errors in every survey measurement, but how do surveyors manage and account for them? It all starts with understanding the sources and magnitude of those errors. Once armed with that information, surveyors can logically analyze the quality of each individual measurement and the resulting impact of those errors on the overall survey. Surveyors also expend a lot of time avoiding blunders and analyzing and accounting for random errors in their measurements. Yet the effect of random errors on a boundary determination is minuscule compared to the potential uncertainties in a boundary associated with field or record evidence of questionable lineage. As the 2021 ALTA/NSPS Standards say, “…a boundary corner or line may have a small Relative Positional Precision because the survey measurements were precise, yet still be in the wrong position (i.e. inaccurate) if it was established or retraced using faulty or improper application of boundary law principles.” So, in this course, in addition to providing background and details related to the issue of measurement uncertainty on ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, we will also explore the uncertainties that can impact the integrity of a boundary survey that are not related to measurements—and that are often the answer to the question, “Why can’t two surveyors ever agree?!”

Pre-Requisite Knowledge
This course builds on the participant’s knowledge of survey measurements and measurement theory. Prior to taking this course, the participant should have a basic understanding of the science of, and sources of error in survey measurements.

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the participant should expect to be able to:

  • Describe the primary sources of random error in survey measurements
  • Explain how to analyze survey measurements and assess the magnitude of the random errors
  • Calculate the allowable measurement uncertainty on an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey
  • Interpret the results of an analysis of the measurements on an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey with respect to the allowable measurement uncertainty
  • Design an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey that will result in measurements that do not exceed the allowable relative positional precision
  • Outline the four sources of uncertainty in boundary locations
  • Explain how to effectively communicate important information about the uncertainties in boundary location to client, attorney and other surveyors
  • Describe the changes in the definition of Relative Positional Precision in the 2021 ALTA/NSPS Standards


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Richard Eldred
Posted 2 months ago
ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys -2021 Standrds Update Course II

Very Methodical well thought out discussion.

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Mike Bytner
Posted 1 year ago
Gary is a great presenter and the ultimate source on ALTAs

Very well presented

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