The basic theory and field process of differential leveling is reviewed. Barometric leveling, first introduced in Instrumentation II is introduced and a simple tutorial on use in the field is covered. Trigonometric leveling is covered again but with the addition of the concept of reciprocal observations made from each end of the line being measured. Various types of level rods and other peripheral devices are covered. Some variations to differential leveling such as reciprocal leveling and three-wire leveling are discussed. Finally, we end with a topic often appearing on exams for licensure and certification: the two-peg test. This process is covered. The theory is discussed to ensure that the learner uses it properly. Running time 36 minutes.
You will learn…
- In-depth concepts of differential leveling
- Barometric leveling concepts are covered
- Reciprocal observations in trigonometric leveling are discussed
- The theory and method of performing the two-peg test