The volumes series is a specific subset of the general earthwork series focusing on the details of computations. Methods presented include average end-area, prismoidal formula, volumes from profiles, borrow pit volumes, and elevation model height differencing. We then cover the details of the first three in this course. We compare the relative accuracies and how we might apply the three methods depending on the results needed, the detail that is available, and the speed at which the results are needed. The basic equations with examples are then presented. A side discussion on determining cross-section areas, including the use of the planimeter is covered. A few work-on-your-own problems are given with solutions also provided for the learner to gain practice in these methods. Good study aid for CST and FS exams. Running time 20 minutes.
You will learn…
- Various applications of earthwork in the construction process
- Theory and computations for average end-area and prismoidal methods
- Relative accuracies of the methods
- Concepts of volumes from profiles, borrow pit volumes, and digital elevation model differencing
- Computational methods using average end-area and prismoidal approaches