Weighted Mean Bearings Extended [0:25]


Weighted bearings are used to solve the problem of the direction of quarter section lines, when there is no opposite ¼ corner or when connecting to it would be unrealistic or clearly not the solution. Typically, these things are applicable in situations where the sections are fractional. The solution involves taking the bearings of the section lines and performing a vector addition to derive a mean bearing that is weighted for the weight of each stubbed-out section line. We solve this problem using bearings and distances, and, adding to the content of the free version of this course, include a solution when the known data is in coordinate form. Running time 25 minutes.

You will learn…

  • Why the weighted mean bearing solution is important when working in fractional sections of the USPLS
  • How to determine when to use this solution
  • The concepts used to compute the mean weighted bearing using distances and bearings of the stubbed-out section lines
  • The concepts used to compute the mean weighted bearing using coordinates of the section corners and the endpoints of the stubbed-out lines
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